Imagine that you are sitting on your deck enjoying the sun on a summer afternoon. You can see the red and green of your tomato plants in your garden.
You can smell the perfume of your flowers in the flower beds just off the deck. And you can hear the buzzing and humming of the honeybees in your garden beehive.
As you watch, you see your honeybees flying from flower to flower, gathering nectar and pollinating your garden and backyard.
You see them take the nectar back to the hive where they are making honey to share with you and your family.
You see them fanning and dancing at the entrance of their beehive, basking in the sun and enjoying good food from the flowers and plants in your yard and garden.
A comprehensive beginner beekeeping course that covers everything you need to know about starting your own apiary. You will have many questions; this guide was developed to give you the foundation of knowledge that every beekeeper must have to successfully maintain their hives!
This eBook contains:
Beekeeping 101 is a detailed, illustrated training manual that covers the most important aspects of beekeeping such as the most popular type of bee and the ideal size and location for your colony. A list of the equipment needed to launch your beekeeping operation and the approximate cost is extensively covered in Beekeeping 101.
Beekeeping 101 discusses the best time to set your hives, when to harvest the honey, various methods used to harvest honey, and how to prepare your bees for the cold winter months....and that is just a short list of what this eBook contains! Are you worried the information covered may not apply to your area? Don't be! There are separate downloads for the USA as well as a European / Uk version to make sure you are getting the most current information for your area.
Pictures throughout the entire eBook illustrate ideas that make it even easier to understand! The anatomy of a bee and hive construction will no longer be a mystery with the included diagrams. It also includes the most common bee diseases and how to recognize and treat them. As a bonus you will also receive a truly fascinating crash course in hive behavior!